Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Burger Portrait Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Young Girl With an Ice Cream

⤷ 15K+ likes, check it out on the official page.

Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Ace Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Burger Chouchou

⤷ 4K+ likes, check it out on the official page.

Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Pétanque Célie Cadieux for McDonald's France, Ping Pong Table

Culture Mix

McDonald's France — social media visuals

Based on the observation that McDonald’s is part of our daily life and culture, I was asked to combine the distinctive iconic McDonald’s products and symbols with cultural material to realize an engaging social media campaign. Made with DDB° Paris under Mélanie Pennec and Émilie Lebreton’s creative direction. The project was featured on McDonald’s France Instagram page.


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